From the recording Dodging Bullets

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Written by Bill Irwin (SOCAN)
My hands are hanging heavy, holding on to the wheel
It’s hard to stay awake, it’s been a marathon
With the work behind me, and the money in the bank
Life can start up again, and I can carry on

18 days, of dust and diesel
17 nights of sleeping alone
Overtime wages on the weekend
3 more hours, and I’ll be home

I work hard every day, no time to think about home
I’m committed, to the men and machines
But at night my mind’s on to you, and I’m totally consumed
So that I can’t tell the difference between memories and dreams

Some days I don’t know, if I can make it through
I’d sell all my tools, for just an hour with you
But then reality falls like cold rain down my back
This is the life I’ve chosen, I’m staying on this track